
The name IMEX has been synonymous with quality for over 25 years! We have developed a reputation of quality and excellence in each segment of the consumer market that we are present in. IMEX is the leader in the agricultural sector with agricultural machinery such as: grinding mills, rice hullers, diesel engines, walking tractors, petrol engines and much more.


Nigerian Farmer Imex

Our Values

At IMEX, we believe that the foundation of a good company is to build a high-quality, reliable, and affordable product. It is these values which have helped us develop a strong and outstanding reputation over the last 25 years.

IMEX is proud to support Nigerian farmers and is a supporter of the Nigerian Agricultural Rural Development Initiative. You can read more at our sister-company NGO here.

Better than the Best

Product Gallery

Take a look at some of our products.

  • Generator
  • China Generator
  • Grinder
  • GX
  • Desel Engine
  • Rice Huller
  • Generator
  • GX
  • Water Pump